segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2008

In search of the perfect production partnership

DATA DA NOTÍCIA: 08/07/2008

Nine months after the discovery of potentially huge deposits of oil off the coast, there is little doubt that Brazil will soon become one of the world's leading oil-producing nations.
There is much more uncertainty over how the country will manage its new-found wealth. The biggest immediate doubt - beyond the technical difficulties of getting at the very deep reserves trapped beneath a salt shelf below the ocean floor - concerns the regime under which oil companies will be invited to join Petrobras, the governmentcontrolled oil company, in bringing oil and gas to the surface.
Moreover, oil has often turned out to be a curse for developing nations. "We are a late-coming oil power," says Aloizio Mercadante, a senator for the ruling Workers' party and an economic adviser to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. "That means we can go more quickly and learn from other nations."
Many oil-based economies have engendered authoritarian or populist regimes that find it hard to industrialise and have difficult relations with the rest of the world. Brazil, a mature democracy with solid institutions and a diverse industrial sector, should be able to avoid the worst pitfalls, he says. But it must still take care to manage its wealth properly.
"We must create a sovereign wealth fund to create a post-oil society," he says. "We need to promote health, education and technological advance - not a wave of consumption."


COMENTÁRIO: É sempre interessante ver o que estão falando sobre o Brasil lá fora. A discussão sobre a utilização a riqueza gerada pelo petróleo para gerar uma transformação da economia e da sociedade é importante. Junto com esta discussão o artigo traz também o tema do modelo de concessão de exploração do petróleo.

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