DATA DA NOTÍCIA: 10/08/2008
Brazil's very recent emergence on the global stage has fueled debate in the country between those advocating adaptation to international norms and those who view Brazil's real interests as conflicting with the current world order.
The key aim of Brazilian foreign policy has long been to achieve international recognition as a major player in international affairs. This aim stemmed from its belief that it should assume its "natural" role as a "big country" in the world arena. Now, as a result of the concurrence of a changing international environment and an altered domestic polity, Brazil seems closer than ever before to achieving this aim. It is gaining increasing international recognition and is poised to emerge as a "big power." However, there remain several challenges that need to be addressed in order for Brazil to meaningfully participate in global governance. This article outlines the factors that have led to Brazil's rise, the conceptual basis of Brazilian foreign policy, and the challenges ahead.
DATA DA NOTÍCIA: 10/08/2008
Brazil's very recent emergence on the global stage has fueled debate in the country between those advocating adaptation to international norms and those who view Brazil's real interests as conflicting with the current world order.
The key aim of Brazilian foreign policy has long been to achieve international recognition as a major player in international affairs. This aim stemmed from its belief that it should assume its "natural" role as a "big country" in the world arena. Now, as a result of the concurrence of a changing international environment and an altered domestic polity, Brazil seems closer than ever before to achieving this aim. It is gaining increasing international recognition and is poised to emerge as a "big power." However, there remain several challenges that need to be addressed in order for Brazil to meaningfully participate in global governance. This article outlines the factors that have led to Brazil's rise, the conceptual basis of Brazilian foreign policy, and the challenges ahead.
It is clearly visible that Brazil is increasingly recognized as a major player in the international arena. It is included among the "outreach five countries" along with China, India, Mexico, and South Africa, which participate in "constructive engagement" with the G-8. Engagement also seems to be the goal of the European Union, which has established strategic partnerships with countries such as South Africa, Brazil and India. It is interesting that the increased attention given to Brazil is not necessarily linked to military capacity, but rather to Brazil's ever greater importance in the global economy.
COMENTÁRIO: Este extenso artigo, escrito por uma brasileira, apresenta os diversos fatores que estão fazendo o Brasil assumir um papel mais significativo na arena internacional e passar a ser um player de maior peso. O artigo mostra também os desafios, internacionais e domésticos, que o país tem pela frente para poder atingir seus objetivos. É interessante ver o que estão publicando lá fora sobre o nosso país.
COMENTÁRIO: Este extenso artigo, escrito por uma brasileira, apresenta os diversos fatores que estão fazendo o Brasil assumir um papel mais significativo na arena internacional e passar a ser um player de maior peso. O artigo mostra também os desafios, internacionais e domésticos, que o país tem pela frente para poder atingir seus objetivos. É interessante ver o que estão publicando lá fora sobre o nosso país.